Alan Spector
Have you or a loved one, whether family or friend, been diagnosed with cancer? Then you know it’s a life-changing event. There is so much to learn; there are so many decisions to be made; there are so many new and often persistent emotions.
Cancer: Balancing Reality and Hope will help you acknowledge and act on the reality of your diagnosis, the reality of the effects of your treatment, and the reality of your emotions. It will help you build hope by learning all you can, leaning into your future, and embracing your inherent human spirit. It will help you balance reality and hope, guiding you through building your support team and developing meaningful and practical paths forward, both for the part of your life that involves cancer and, importantly, the part that does not.
Alan Spector’s combination of life experiences enables him to bring a unique perspective to Cancer: Balancing Reality and Hope. He is a nine-year leukemia survivor. He is a strategic planning consultant for large cancer organizations across the country, giving him broad access to researchers, medical professionals, and others throughout the cancer community, many who share their insights in the book. Prior to his diagnosis, he cofounded LifeScape Solutions, a life-planning consultancy. Through that work, he has been studying and writing, speaking, and coaching others about life planning for nearly two decades. And this is his seventh book.
In the book’s Foreword, Louis DeGennaro, Ph.D., President and CEO of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, refers to those who are newly diagnosed and those who love them, when he writes, “With all the complexity they are and will be facing, it is not surprising that they are asking themselves and others, ‘Where can I learn what I need to know?’ …answering that question well is a major attraction of Alan’s book. The title very well could have been, Cancer: How to Think About What to Think About.”
Whether you or a loved one has been diagnosed, Cancer: Balancing Reality and Hope helps you think about what to think about and provides a practical and hopeful approach to moving forward.