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As Baby Boomers and older generations, we are aging into our futures, facing challenging realities…the effects of normal aging, the possibility, perhaps the probability, of disability and dementia, and the inevitability of our death.  We also have the opportunity to answer the inspiring question—what do I want to do with the rest of my life?  Are we prepared for these realities and opportunities?  Are our loved ones prepared?  The subject matter of Essential Baby Boomer Conversations may be a difficult to read, but realities that are critically important to absorb.

In the book, Boomers and others will explore disability and dementia, how to prevent or postpone them, and how to prepare for them if they were to occur.  We’ll explore longevity, how to enhance both the quantity and the quality of our years.  We’ll learn how to prepare for our death while also preparing to make the most of our remaining years.  And we’ll build all of this on the Essential Conversations with loved ones and others—who should we be talking to, about what, and when?

It is incumbent on each of us to be introspective relative to these subjects and to engage others in the Essential Baby Boomer Conversations as we are Preparing for Disability, Dementia, Death, and LIFE.

Alan Spector